by Derek Overbey In this installment of Tips in 2, our new video series of helpful, two-minute small business marketing tips, Jill B...
by Derek Overbey
In this installment of Tips in 2, our new video series of helpful, two-minute small business marketing tips, Jill Bastian, Community Education & Training Manager at VerticalResponse walks you through the ins and outs of preheader text. When creating an email your preheader text helps your subject line compel subscribers to open it and read your content.
In this installment of Tips in 2, our new video series of helpful, two-minute small business marketing tips, Jill Bastian, Community Education & Training Manager at VerticalResponse walks you through the ins and outs of preheader text. When creating an email your preheader text helps your subject line compel subscribers to open it and read your content.