6 Hacks Niche Marketers Don’t Want You To Do


by  Alexia Bullard When you get right down to it, the concept behind niche marketing is actually fair simple. Identify and create enga...


When you get right down to it, the concept behind niche marketing is actually fair simple. Identify and create engaging content within your niche. Write a compelling headline for that content, publish the content, and promote it with social media and online advertisements. That’s all niche marketers want you to believe anyway.
However, there are actually six hacks that will dramatically boost your website traffic.

#1: Create Compelling Headlines

Headlines are almost more important than the actual content, believe it or not. Research shows only two out of ten people will read past your headline. As such, you have only a few seconds to make a big impact. Then compel the reader to click on your link. It’s the headlines that push content forward, and keep it promoted on places like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter.
Take a look at any of those popular posts you see on your Facebook feed. You’ll notice they use headlines that are close to (or even longer than) 100 characters. They’re not so much headlines as they are complete statements written in a way that triggers emotions and gets people to keep reading.
Research conducted by Contently reflected the most successful headlines include words and phrasing that make the readers feel they will miss out if they don’t click the link to the article. That’s the secret to compelling headlines.
There is one thing to be mindful of when creating powerful headlines, though: Credibility. Avoid creating a headline that doesn’t match your content. If your headline promises something big (“…will blow your mind.”), then your content needs to deliver that.
When creating headlines, use words that pack a punch, make bold assertions, and tell your readers what they will be missing if they don’t click on your article. Popular phrases include:
  • “…what he did next will blow your mind!”
  • “…are things you don’t want to miss!”
  • “This is the…”
  • “…will make you…”
So your goal is to grab the reader’s attention right away, and turn them into one of those two out of ten people who will click through your link.

#2: Use a Reliable Email Marketing Tool

Ask practically any niche marketer, and they will tell you an email marketing service is one of their top online tools. When it comes to niche marketing, an email marketing service is absolutely essential. There are several factors that go into choosing the email marketing service that works best for you and your business:
  • Who is your audience? The way you go about onboarding new prospects will most likely be different from the way you engage the customers you already have. Additionally, demographics play a pivotal role in shaping your messaging strategy.
  • What do you want to say? Once you have identified your audience, you need to figure out the types of emails you wish to send them. When you are choosing an email marketing tool, you should look for one makes it easy to create emails and campaigns, along with the ability to completely customize your content. Do you plan to send the same email to everyone, or do you intend to personalize the content for different types of users? The email marketing tool you go with should offer this flexibility.
  • How often do you plan to send out emails? It’s important to keep track of your revenue per thousand emails (typically referred to as RPM). Companies of all sizes – and within all types of niches and industries – rely on email marketing. It’s dependable, consistent, and offers a high return on investment (ROI). As such, it’s important to calculate the size of your audience, and how fast you expect it to grow. To accompany these calculations, you will need a plan for acquiring new customers and bringing in new business.
Sendlane offers complete email marketing, marketing automation, and landing page creation. With this, you can create and send newsletters, design impressive email campaigns, and build a strong relationship with your customers. Furthermore, Sendlane provides all the analytics necessary to track your emails’ success, thereby taking away the stress that often comes with email marketing.

#3: Keywords: The Core of Successful Niche marketing

Keyword optimization is one of the most important aspects of niche marketing. It plays a key role in successful SEO practices. While there are hundreds of ways to find keywords for your niche, there are three simple methods you can start using right away:  
  • Turn to Google: Use Google’s auto-complete feature to find your niche’s most popular phrases.
  • Search for related phrases: Once you get a list of the auto-complete suggestions, look at the bottom of the page for “Searches related to___.” This will help you cover related areas that your target customers and/or readers are likely to find interesting and relevant.
  • Check your site metrics: Take a look at your site metrics, paying close attention to what users search for during an internal search. If they are taking the time to type that into the search bar on your site, they will be interested in reading blog posts and website articles about it.

#4: Pick a Complementary Niche

So picking a complementary niche related to your own will help you expand your audience reach, keep your content fresh and relevant for your new and existing readers, and increase your online authority.
For example: Real estate > Corporate real estate > Insurance firms
The trick is to find a topic that is an expansion of your own niche, since this will bring in a client base that complements what your business is already offering.

#5: Build on Your Past Success

Talking about your past performances will demonstrate your value to readers and prospective clients. Show your niche how successful you have been with other niches. Then find a way to relate the two, like the previous tip suggested. Showcase how well you did with other industries, and make it clear how your past and present niches are related to one another.

#6: Keep Abreast of Your Competitors’ Numbers

Athletes keep up with how well their opponents are doing, how often they practice, and any changes that have been made to their teams. Doing the same with your own business will help increase the success of your niche marketing.
You are probably aware of several online tools that help you monitor your own online presence and performance, but successful niche marketers also use these same tools to gather information on their competitors. Some tools include:
  • Google Alerts
  • SocialMention
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMRush
Putting It All Together 
There are hundreds of ways to market your niche successfully, but these are some of the top secrets of successful marketers. Try implementing a few today – you may be surprised at how quickly you start to see results! In the end, niche marketing involves a lot of trial and error, but it’s that continuous effort that will bring in new clients and customers.



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#DIGITAL: 6 Hacks Niche Marketers Don’t Want You To Do
6 Hacks Niche Marketers Don’t Want You To Do
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