by Anik Singal Prospect engagement can be tough. If you are one of those people who is only interested in really good content, this m...
by Anik Singal
Prospect engagement can be tough. If you are one of those people who is only interested in really good content, this might not be for you. But, let’s say you have an amazing piece of content that you want to share, sell and promote. You put all your effort into this one piece but you don’t seem to gain any momentum or engagement. If you plan on giving up or continue on this road, then I might be of service.
In order for an increase in your prospect engagement, the content needs to be amazing. Millions are finding out that the content they read isn’t good enough. This often leaves them thirsty, even disappointed. The struggle is real.
Some content has great headlines and engagement but the message within the content isn’t there. On the other hand, others have phenomenal content but it isn’t read? You have to find the middle ground. THAT IS WHAT IS GOING TO SAVE YOU.
Here is how you can get your content seen, engaged with, then have it exciting enough to be shared.
Prospect Engagement – Segmentation
Have you experienced a salesperson who just can’t keep their mouth shut? To a point where they actually talk their way out of a sale? Some sales people just don’t realize what kind of damage their continual talking does. If you are or you think that you are that person, by identifying the problem, you just took the first step to increase your prospect engagement.
Especially with digital marketing, you have only a few second to pitch your idea. That’s what Copywriting is all about. People’s attention life span is below 10 seconds. Once you have their 10 seconds, you need to continue to keep them engaged.
Segment your paragraphs, pitches and keep them interested all the way down to the sale. You do not want to make them seem your email or pitch is long and dreadful.
You will want to focus on the words as well as spacing those words so that people can read it, get engaged, build momentum and keep them scrolling down for more.
Can you visualize it?
Depending on what you are offering, or what platform you are using, you will need to make sound judgement calls. If you are using email to reach out, create just a few quick segments and add some call to actions in between. If they do not click on the first one, you need to make the next space something they would want to read.
Read your content out Loud.
How you perfect segmenting your words is based on how smooth it sounds.
Read it again and again, then again.
You don’t have enough time to keep people’s attention. So start looking for words that you can express about your product, or the content you want them to see. Prospect engagement is not a one hit wonder.
Just imagine an elevator, where the other person already has a plan of being somewhere with someone and you have just a few seconds to gain their attention. Our blog will provide great copywriting techniques and hacks you can use. So take some time to go through our blogs for your learning needs.
Once you write things down, read it out loud and see if it is smooth, quick and interesting. Sometimes, you might need to cut a few lines and move them to the next if it’s important.
You want to capture both types of readers: Those who read out loud and those who speed read their way through a piece. Practicing both can provide you a better picture and a foundation that can help set the tone for your prospects.
Prospect Engagement – Story Telling
Stories attract people and keeps them engaged. Not only that, they will feel and relate to you more. They can understand, visualize and have something to believe in.
You can tell your prospect the “3 Step Formula to Keep Your Prospect Engaged” and some might see it and read it. Or if you are sending them emails, they might feel the information is shoved to their faces. If you introduce them with a story and get them engaged, they will most likely receive your content in a much better way.
These 3 simple steps are how you can get your readers interested in the first place, get them engaged and continue the engagement. That is, until you decide on what to do next. If there is no call to action, you will not see any results. Do not leave your readers empty handed. Give them something they can use.
Practice, Practice and Practice some more.
Practice, Practice and Practice some more.
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