25 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know


by  Kaleigh Moore THE   effectiveness of email marketing is obvious…the numbers don’t lie. But if you need a few statistics that reall...


THE effectiveness of email marketing is obvious…the numbers don’t lie. But if you need a few statistics that really prove why this facet of marketing has to be part of the equation, look no further. We’ve gathered a list of 25 email marketing stats you need to know that show just how valuable it can be to the success of your business.

Email Marketing Stats

1. When it comes to purchases made as a result of receiving a marketing message, email has the highest conversion rate (66%), when compared to social, direct mail and more. – DMA
2. Email marketing drives more conversions than any other marketing channel, including search and social. – Monetate
3. Email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. – DMA
4. As of 2013, 25% of Fortune 500 B2B companies had adopted email marketing automation. – ClickZ
5. Employees spend 13 of their working hours each week in their email inbox (on average). – McKinsey & Company
6. 92% of online adults use email, with 61% using it on an average day. – Pew Research
7. Nearly 1 in 5 companies (18%) reported an ROI of more than $76 in 2014, which is 3x more than 2013 figures (5%). – DMA
8. 90% of email gets delivered to the intended recipient’s inbox, whereas only 2% of your Facebook fans see your posts in their News Feed. – Forrester Research
9. 50% of marketers anticipate their company’s spend on email to increase during 2015. – DMA
10. 83% of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing. – Content Marketing Institute
11. Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. – DMA
12. Automated email messages average 70.5% higher open rates and 152% higher click-through rates than “business as usual” marketing messages. – Epsilon Email Institute
13. The average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media. – McKinsey
14. A message is 5x more likely to be seen in email than via Facebook. – Radicati
15. 81% of online shoppers who receive emails based on previous shopping habits were at least somewhat likely to make a purchase as a result of targeted email. -eMarketer
16. Companies who send automated emails are 133% more likely to send relevant messages that correspond with a customer’s purchase cycle. – Lenskold and Pedowitz Groups
17. 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement. – eConsultancy
18. 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. – DMA
19. 76% of marketers see active growth in their number of email subscribers. –Ascend2
20. Email’s ROI was 28.5% compared to 7% for direct mail. – Chief Marketer
21. Transactional emails have 8x more opens and clicks than any other type of email, and can generate 6x more revenue. – Experian
22. 95% of companies using marketing automation are taking advantage of email marketing. – Regalix
23. B2C marketers who leverage automation have seen conversion rates as high as 50%. – eMarketer
24. As of 2013, 25% of Fortune 500 B2B companies had adopted email marketing automation. – ClickZ
25. 53% of marketers say ongoing, personalized communication with existing customers results in moderate to significant revenue impact. – DemandGen

Email marketing: Not a Trend

This form of marketing has been steadily growing in effectiveness for the past 10+ years, and it’s only going to become more valuable as people continue to spend more time on their smartphones. Make sure that you’re participating in this space–and that you’re executing email marketing in the best way possible.
What’s the most powerful stat you’ve seen that shows how important email marketing really is?



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#DIGITAL: 25 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know
25 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know
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