5 Reasons Why Your Welcome Emails Has to Change


by  Leonard Kim Traffic is one thing. Keeping your audience engaged is another. As you may already know, your first impression is alwa...


Traffic is one thing. Keeping your audience engaged is another. As you may already know, your first impression is always going to make the strongest impact. That’s why understanding the impact of your welcome emails is so important.
In fact, MarketingSherpa found that welcome emails were THE highest performing message – measured based on the open rate – with an average of 50%.
This shows that the very first Welcome Email that you send is either going to drive your List to continue to open your email, or never open them again.
Hence a 50% open rate, people are willing to open your first email. Anything after that is based upon your effort to keep your audience interested.
So, wouldn’t it be a great idea to spend some extra time in getting your first email right?

These are the 5 things you need to do for your welcome emails

1. Be in Sync with your Brand/Niche/Company

Your first meet and greet needs to tell a story. So if you and someone else started a conversation in person for the first time, you will try to have a normal, seeming-less conversation.
In that interaction, you are dressed a certain way and present yourself the way you want to be perceived.
One thing you don’t do, or at least we hope you aren’t doing, is dressing yourself up a tuxedo then shouting. We also hope you don’t wear your pajamas while trying to be as formal as possible.
Your tone needs to be in sync with who you are and what you are trying to do.

2. Keep it Simple

What is simple?
One message?
One bullet point?
That all depends on what you are trying to accomplish and whether you are promoting a product or a service.
It all depends on what you want them to do, or what actions to take.

3. Use Image and Color to your Advantage

PlainText format is simple and effortless. Millions are using that exact look and feel, but what makes you any different from the crowd?
If you are promoting a product and you have the same look and feel as everyone else who is sending out emails, you cannot differentiate yourself from the crowd.
And identify yourself with an Image, or more importantly, a Logo.
Adding color to who you are can help your List identify that you are someone they should recognize.
Adding a simple image of identification can help your list remember who you are, which will more than likely lead them to open your email.

4. Provide Value

Your subscribers signed up for a reason. Remind them of why, then give them value as to why they signed up. Finally reinforce why what they did was good decision and let them know what to expect.
Is it a Free Book offer?
Let them know they made a right decision, then provide a link for them to download the book.

5. Show and Don’t Speak

Stop typing. Give your audience something to stay engaged with through your welcome emails.
So if you are providing a free ebook, tell them what the book is going to do for them.
If you have a product website, provide them with other products they might want to see.
Therefore show, don’t tell. It’s all about visual attraction. Create that WOW factor.
In regards to design, here are some you may want to try:
  1. Add padding around your template to isolate and create a focal point.
  2. Add a stunning photo that adds value with your business
  3. Bullet point the benefits of signing up
  4. The Call to Action Button should be on the front, they should not need to scroll down to access your button.
  5. Create a Postcard feel with your Call to Action button.
Want to get started with Email Marketing?



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#DIGITAL: 5 Reasons Why Your Welcome Emails Has to Change
5 Reasons Why Your Welcome Emails Has to Change
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